With Wimbledon being the focus of the tennis world right now there will be many tennis players and non player spectators following and enjoying the tournaments to see who will win the

Wimbledon cup this year. You may not be sipping champagne and eating strawberries and cream on the lawn at Wimbledon but it’s still a great tradition to watch even from your armchair.
When you are exposed to something you really enjoy it often makes you want to do more of it so this is a time when many will be thinking about getting into tennis, just like the wanna be dancers that follow Dancing with the Stars that get the urge to dust off their own dancing shoes. The great thing is that it inspires many into action.
Tennis has always been a popular sport. It did see a bit of a decline in the 1970s and 80s but has made its comeback. It’s not surprising that tennis is very popular among seniors, and there’s certainly a lot of evidence of this in my community. I live in an area where any day during the better weather there are a number of seniors in their tennis outfits around the coffee shops and local stores before or after their game. Many of these seniors take part in local tennis tournaments; it’s also evident that they are quite a close knit community because they always seem to have lots of company. Tennis is a great way to participate in an activity with skill, competition and still have the important social aspect.
Staying healthy is the main focus of many of the over 50s. We all know that without good health our level of activity will be affected along with the enjoyment of our retirement years. Today’s seniors are generally well educated in what is required of them to maintain good health and fitness. There are a number of ways seniors choose to stay active both indoors and outdoors, when you find the activity that suites you, you are already ahead of the game.
Just because you are a senior it doesn’t mean that it’s too late to learn a new sport or maybe it’s not new, you could be rediscovering the joy of a sport that you played a number of years ago. By the time your senior years come unless you are a bit of an adrenalin junky and in great shape you probably won’t want to take up an activity that is too strenuous, so tennis could be the ideal sport for you.
If you are considering taking up tennis again the good thing is other than some of the equipment and fashion it really hasn’t changed that much over the years. In comparison to the tennis racquet you may have owned when you were back on school you will find that there is some change in the style and technology of the racquets. If you’re not sure what type of racquet to get you may want to consider renting a racquet for a day to see if it’s the one for you.
Some people start playing tennis when they are young and continue to play into their 80s, it’s an excellent exercise and older pros are great people to inspire and encourage other seniors to take up tennis, regardless of your level of experience. A lot of seniors find that tennis is exhilarating and it keeps them in good shape.
Amazon for a great selection of tennis equipment
Check out tennis raquets here.