This can be your best time ever.
Your 50s can be a time when you feel more relaxed, self confident as well as have more time for yourself.
By the time you get to this stage of life you will realize that you’ve probably worried way too much about a lot of things that never happened, and you made many decisions based on what you thought others thought about you or wanted you to do. You may have made some mistakes along the way and maybe even did a few things that you regret, but you survived all that. No matter what you did earlier in your life you’ve reached your 50s and it’s a good time to appreciate yourself and all your achievements regardless if they have been big or small.
In your earlier years like most it’s very likely that you strived for a good education, then on to find a good job with decent income to pay all your expenses and give you an opportunity to plan a future. This plan probably included a home, family and all the usual things that most people hope to have in order to reach societies expectations.
The problem is while you are chasing after all the things you think you have to have to be successful it’s easy to lose yourself. Most get caught up with what others think about them which often takes them in a direction that isn’t really right for them. Usually it isn’t until we get older that we reflect on our life and how we’ve lived to that point. At 50 plus it’s time to seriously get back to thinking about what we do want our life to be about while we still have time to enjoy it. It’s a time when can we make some important and often well overdue changes.

In your earlier years like most it’s very likely that you strived for a good education, then on to find a good job with decent income to pay all your expenses and give you an opportunity to plan a future. This plan probably included a home, family and all the usual things that most people hope to have in order to reach societies expectations.
The problem is while you are chasing after all the things you think you have to have to be successful it’s easy to lose yourself. Most get caught up with what others think about them which often takes them in a direction that isn’t really right for them. Usually it isn’t until you get older that you reflect on your life and how you’ve lived to that point. At 50 plus it’s time to seriously get back to thinking about what you do want your life to be about while you still have time to enjoy it. It’s a time when can you make some important and often well overdue and deserved changes.

It’s really important to take time to figure out what’s important because each decade makes a huge difference to us. From what I have learned through personal experience and from others is to allow yourself to be who you truly are and enjoy your 50s. Life goes by so fast and each year seems to go faster than the one before.
When you turn 50 years of age it’s a new decade and can be a new beginning for you. It’s a time when many people are at their peak in many areas, maybe not so much physically but often they are in pretty good health, many are more established and better off financially than they’ve ever been. They’ve also had enough life experience to become smarter and wiser. What other time of your life can you say this about? so what is there that you still haven’t done and want to do? What is there still to contribute to others or things you still want to learn? Do you want to learn to paint or maybe play the guitar, is there a special trip you want to take or someone you want to meet?
By the time you reach 60 years old you will probably notice there’s been a big difference in the way you feel and do things from when you were 50. After talking with a number of those 60 plus the stories are very similar. They find it now takes them longer to do a lot of things, plus they don’t have the same energy as in their 50s. And by 70 regardless of specific health issues that may have arisen by then things will have changed quite dramatically again. By this time a number of seniors will decide that even vacations are not so much fun anymore. They find long flights, dragging luggage through airports and that are too large and often crowded areas have no appeal. Besides all this sleeping in your own bed is now preferred.
Besides the change of heart in going on vacations often favorite activities become just too much effort and life is forever changed. Getting older often means wanting things easier. You’re not looking for the challenges and excitement that you may have always been used to. Of course this doesn’t apply to everyone there are always the exceptions. But whatever your future holds don’t wait to enjoy your life make the most of and enjoy your 50s because things don’t usually get any better than this. One thing is for sure you are not going to get any younger so go for it!
Author Bio: Shirley Price is a mother and grandmother living in Vancouver BC. She has worked with people of all ages from young families to seniors. Shirley developed and presented workshops on planning your life to enjoy your retirement. http://www.lifebydesignover50.com