New Year resolutions

2020 A Chance to Start Again

Make This Year Really Count! Another year begins and in a way it’s a chance to wipe the slate clean and an opportunity to decide what you truly want. What will the coming months to hold?  We should always be consciously planning and setting goals that will keep us on track and living life the […]

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Top 10 Tips to a Bright New Year

The New Year is about new goals and resolution but if you’re like me I like to ease myself gently into the New Year.  Gone are the days when I make a New Year’s resolution and jump into action on New Year’s Day ready to roll and within a couple of days give up!  These […]

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Time Goes By!

The end of a year is almost upon us. It’s another year that seems to have flown by. I don’t know about you but the older I get the faster time seems to go by.  While the New Year is a time when many make New Year’s resolutions and set often meaningless goals for the […]

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