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Retirement Living

Are you ready to enjoy your life after retirement? Lots of people love their jobs and are hesitant to leave them when they retire. Whereas, if we are in a job that we don’t like or in a stressful situation we are more than ready to leave. In reality when it’s time to retire most […]

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Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia-Keep your Brain Active

You may have noticed recently that there has been a considerable amount of talk about dementia and Alzheimer’s in the news. With such a huge aging population this is obviously a global concern. I read that every five minutes there will be a new case and that and this will increase to every two minutes […]

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Learn How To Paint At Any Age

Maybe you have always wanted to be an artist.  You’re sure that somewhere inside the artist in you is just waiting to be set free. Often the course of life does not nurture our dreams.   Life doesn’t always go the way we want it to. May be you used to create works of art when […]

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