Secrets to a Happy Retirement

By Shirley PriceA happy Retirement is something that we all aspire to. With the right attitude and a bit of careful planning, retirement can be a wonderful time of life. There is absolutely no reason that anyone should be bored or lonely.

Think about it, there’s lots of time to spend with grandchildren, time to catch up with old friends and family members, not to mention all those little or maybe big chores you’ve been adding to Retired couple on bikeyour to do list.  If you’re someone that’s not happy unless you are working hard or taking on some real challenge then  maybe you want to tackle a larger project like giving your home a real face-lift to turn it into the perfect living space for you.

The extra time in retirement can be a gardener’s delight with time for that green house you always wanted. Now you can grow your own organic produce to help with your healthy eating plan. Gardening can offer you great satisfaction and the opportunity to use your creativity; especially in the area of landscaping.  You might consider adding that extra special touch by adding a lovely water feature in a location where you are able to appreciate it from your living space.

Maybe it’s a big trip that you want to take; or even to be a snow bird spending a few months or more down south during the winter months. Maybe you’ve got your eye on a nice ocean front condo in Mexico where you plan to spend your retirement years. There are so many options available once you have retired especially if you don’t have to worry about finances.

In order to have a Happy Retirement you need to be a happy person. If you are not already there, to be a happy person you need to find out what makes you happy. One thing that you will discover is that without a purpose it can be difficult to find happiness. Find ways to do good for others and at the same time it will be good for you too. Look around you and see how you can add to another person’s life, maybe it’s an individual that may need some help or an organization that needs volunteers.

If money is stopping you from doing something that you really want then it’s time to do some brainstorming and see how you can make some extra cash so that you can pursue your dream. There are so many hobbies and interests to pursue that you should never run out of ideas.

Be Happy and celebrate your retirement!

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