Are you thinking it’s about time that you got a hobby? Maybe you are planning to retire soon and want to have a recreational activity or two to keep you busy. Perhaps it’s taken you a while to make the decision of what hobby to pursue. Of course, it must be something you are interested in, something that you can really enjoy. By now you may have realized… It’s got to be fishing!
Okay, you’ve made the decision but now you have another dilemma, as a novice you do not have the basic knowledge of fishing. You want to become skilled but you don’t have the tools needed to learn this new hobby. One of the first decisions you need to make is what type of fishing you want to pursue. So before you purchase your fishing tackle make your decision as fishing tackle is role specific. There are several things that you can do to become educated and start learning the tips and tricks to get you started.

Here are my fishing tips and reminders for a newbie like you:
• Find an expert – Having an experienced and a skilled fisherman beside you can really help speed up your learning curve. Without a teacher it can take a long time to learn to do things the correct way. One option, if you are able to afford it, is paying an expert to teach you how can save a lot of time. Or, maybe you already know someone that would be really happy to teach you for free and maybe they will also be glad of the company to go on fishing trips with. If you are paying someone be sure to look for a reputable fishing expert so that every penny you spend is worth it.
• Learn through trial and error – It can be frustrating especially when you begin learning how to fish. The trial and error system is a great way to learn. When we make a mistake we usually learn a lesson from it and don’t make the same mistake the next time.
• Set out with a fishing party– Seriously, this will expand your fishing experience exponentially! Just take the fish off the hook and gain more fishing companions at the same time. You might meet more experts that will surely give you more help and advice to further improve your skills. A perfect place for beginners, fishing party boats range from five to fifty anglers and it will provide you with all fishing materials you will need.
• Avoid being seasick –Absolutely, there is no way you can enjoy fishing and the waters in general if you get seasick almost all the time. Seasickness is perhaps the ultimate spoiler in your fishing moment. Take a seasickness medicine – usually one tablet before sleeping the night before fishing, another tablet when you wake up, and another an hour before going on board.
• Grab some learning materials – There are probably an enormous amount of books on fishing at your nearest bookstores and a lot more online. These books give you instructional guides in learning how to fish in a systematic manner. Plus you will get to know the definitions of various terms used in fishing. So go ahead, read and learn the fishing lingo.
Keep in mind that learning in general takes time and there is no need to rush. Remember it’s a hobby and is to be enjoyed so have fun. Keep practicing what you learn, ask questions and seek advice; soon your new pastime will look very promising.