No! I am absolutely not going. I can’t believe that you planned that for me and invited all those people from the office; they’ll all know how old I am.
She was horrified and I was disappointed as I thought that I was doing something nice for my friends 50th birthday. I was mystified as to why Karen, who is cute and so put together all of the time, would have this response. All us females would love to look like her, and yet she was the one that made the most fuss and got so upset out of all of us that had turned 50.
It’s our time to shine
After all, this is the age where most of us feel that we can claim the right to be who we really are, have the wisdom to share our opinion with some expert back-up.
This is our time, not for just us girls, this is for the men too. Men appear to go through similar experiences with aging; it is a reality for all of us.
Isn’t it amazing how different we can feel about our age from day to day? Some days we can accept things just as they are and others times it can really bother us. Some days we can look in the mirror and wonder who on earth is looking back at us.
The key is to accept and embrace this next stage of our life and yet some of us will struggle with and deny our age until the end of time. And I guess neither is right or wrong, it depends what we are brought up to believe, our societal messages, and how the people that surrounded us reacted to their changes throughout the years.
Media messages
Let’s be honest w e are constantly bombarded with messages about how we should look and feel from magazines, television and all types of media. Society has told us that if we are not youthful and have the right image we will not get the best jobs, find a husband, or be as successful as the prettier younger women. And for the men too if they are not handsome enough, rich enough, or look the part they will also get overlooked. Hopefully as we age we get smarter and don’t let this bother us, but when we are young this has a huge impact. We are much more likely to take all these messages to heart which really can affect our self esteem and confidence.
As we get older
We realize it’s not the attractive packaging that counts but the gift from inside.
So, we are here to take back our rights, our right to be a part of our world, the right to grow gracefully with vitality and purpose and the right to enjoy the enhancement services available to us. But more than anything ‘Let’s Be Our Best Selves’ for us. Let’s live with confidence, good health, and enjoy life a whole lot more. So here are a few tips to help us on our way. Gentlemen included…
Anti Aging-Tips to Help us Shine
Think about the time spent in the sun without sunscreen as a kid, those late night parties as young adults, and those never ending nights worrying about exams and finances and other trials and tribulations that have played havoc with our skin and bodies.
This leads us to the anti aging products in the hopes of slowing down Mother Nature. Most often we notice the changes in our skin, particularly the back of our hands and neck area. Some will choose to take a few days vacation maybe to the plastic surgeon. If that’s not for you then there are wonderful remedies and lotions especially formulated for your delicate skin to assist in keeping its elasticity. So here are a few tips for our tool box and besides the healing properties it just feels wonderful.
Absolute number #1, sunscreen is a must with a minimum SFP of 30 as well as using make up with sunscreen. Apply regularly to the face and neck and don’t forget the back of the hands. Not only will it protect you against skin cancer, it will help keep those wrinkles at bay. And on vacation or at those fun long golf games or any extended periods in the sun be sure to wear sunscreen on all those exposed areas and wear a hat.
Replenishing the body with a minimum of 6 and preferably 8 glasses of water a day, not only does it nourish the whole body and help with organ function, it reconnects the brain tissue, helping us stay alert, and keep a clear mind. Without water we cannot survive, it is the life-source of our universe.