Have You Converted To The Kindle Fire Yet?
It’s been a while since the first Kindle e-book readers came out. It was welcomed by many avid readers, especially those that embrace technology. Even so a lot of readers couldn’t imagine giving up their hard copy books for a new idea that just may not work or last. They vowed that they would never switch over to an e-reader and that there is no substitute for a real book. Here we are now a few years later and look what’s happening. The Kindle does work and work well. Amazon has continued to improve the Kindle plus there are millions of people that are doing their reading on an e-reader. I think many of those skeptics have since been converted.
The Kindle Fire went well beyond just a book reader…much to the delight of so many Kindle fans. The release of the Kindle fire has changed the game and offers so much more than just a reader at a very competitive price.

It’s popularity is no surprise for a number of reasons, one due to the fact that the original Kindle already had a lot of raving fans so it already had people ready to buy even prior to release because as always the Kindle price point is very good making its product affordable to many and not just the few.
There are so many e-books available for the Kindle.
Actually there are more than 1.2 million on any topic you can imagine for download at a very reasonable price, plus you can get many e-books for free. So getting your reading material is simple, instant, cost effective and convenient. The original Kindle reader can be purchased for as little as $69 with the Kindle 3G with Wi-fi for around $139.
Talking of cost effectiveThe Kindle Fire HD is a tablet with a 7 inch anti glare screen that you can buy a 16 GB version for $199 . This tablet offers you a lot for your money. It has so many great options which can make it your full entertainment center. It’s grown into way more than a device for reading books and magazines. By the way you will find your magazines in full color too. If you like playing games you’ve got it, music, no problem with a world class audio experience from the Kindle fire HD dual driven stereo speakers. Then there are movies, TV shows, audio books, and numerous apps. What more could you want?
Are you ready to switch Yet?

Although in the beginning I was one of those slow to switch to a reader, once I had one (thanks to my son’s Xmas gift) there was no going back for me. Since then I have advanced to the tablet which I absolutely love, it is so versatile. It’s lightweight, easy to use and very portable, plus you can do so much with it for such a small item with a low price tag for all it offers. I really didn’t realize just how much I would use it and how much I enjoy it.
I am trying to convert one of my friends to at least get a kindle reader. She is always looking for books that she hasn’t already read. She’s back and forth the library every week, sometimes she starts a book and doesn’t like it or realizes that she has read it before, so she has to go back to the library again to change it. We recently went on vacation together. I took my tablet and she took 5 books which she actually got to read 4 of them during the 10 days that we were gone.
Some technology can be overused and be intrusive but this is where technology is a good thing and I think that many people will agree with me!
Kindle Fire HD 7″, Dolby Audio, Dual-Band Wi-Fi