The workplace is changing at a faster pace than ever, it was just in the past few years that there seemed to be some panic that there would be a shortage of workers, but as the world market has changed the opposite seems to have happened, so as things change we must change too. Here are a few tips to help with the transition whether you are in the workplace and wanting to keep going or if you are re-entering the workforce.
So how do you keep your edge and keep fresh and vibrant in today’s fast paced employment atmosphere?
Keep up with the trends
Keep up to date with what’s happening in the workplace. Ask yourself what is needed and what do you need to do to meet the demands. Are you up to date with technology, are there some computer courses that you need to update?
Computer Savvy
Not only must your office skills be spot on your computer skills must be up to date. The needs of most offices and businesses will include: Navigating the internet, E-mail and it’s applications, Word processing, PowerPoint and Excel spreadsheets .
Go Back to School
Fill in the gaps with education. If you lack in any area of demand, especially computer skills, remember that it’s never too late for more education. Many instructional courses are offered at your local community college, library or Neighbourhood Association. “Lifelong learning is an important aspect of professional growth as well as keeping your mind sharp. Assessing your skills and determining if there are any gaps will help identify potential areas for additional education.
Stretch Your Limits
Take advantage of the chance to learn new skills, volunteer, try to take on other positions when you get the opportunity. Attending tele-classes, or web classes, it is a wonderful way to learn, often inexpensive and very convenient. You can learn anything; an example might be public speaking or other soft skills such as mediation and conflict resolution.
Update Your Resume
Keep your resume current, make sure that your resume is relevant to the position that you are applying for. There is the conventional chronological resume or the one I prefer is the skills based resume. This resume offers flexibility and allows you to take an inventory of your skills which you can place in a way that showcase your skills. Remember that resumes change too, make sure that you talk to employers and ask what type of resume they prefer to see. Also remember the resume is a snap shot and introduction to what you have to offer. It is the interview where you must really shine, it is the chance to sell yourself and why you should be hired. Smile, be your wonderful self and be sure to share the important key points.
Keeping up Appearances
It is important to keep yourself in style. Keep clothing modern, a stylish haircut, and colour if needed. For you ladies some fresh makeup, keep in mind that many cosmetic counters offer free consultations. If budget is an issue there are great consignment shops, or look for ideas on how to update what you have with a few accessories. Gentlemen there are wonderful grooming and skin care products for you too, also if you need some fashion help maybe ask a female friend to assist you. Keep in mind that many workplaces are now fragrance free zones. Get support whenever you need it. There are great coaches and Government Work Search Centers that have little or no fee for service.